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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Fitting Rooms and Runny Noses

Jamie Half Smile is back on line which means I'm back on line too. Yippee. This means being able to stay in touch with my friends, playing literati, updating flickr and most importantly, watching Neighbours. Even though it's poor quality and a bit fuzzy. Half Smile is so chuffed he's almost got a full smile.

Now that I'm back on line I can share some of the delightful things I've been hearing about recently. A girl who works down in the ladies department walked into one of the fitting rooms and found that someone had left a used tampon there. Not only that but she'd wiped her hand on the curtain. I'm sure in all other parts of the country the clientele in Next are a lot less disgusting but you can be sure in Ballymena there's always some dirty bitch who's sense of humour or downright laziness has be be seriously questioned. Another girl told me that she once found pooh in the men's fitting rooms. When I asked her if it was adult's or kid's pooh she said, 'Kid's pooh. I hope!'

I was telling this to a couple of people in the pub and this guy was like, cool, that's a good idea, shitting in the fitting rooms. So there are people out there who's minds work in dark ways. That same guy told me the most horrific story about someone being disgusting. So horrific he was almost sick when he was telling us. You know how kids get really runny, snotty noses? Well his mum knew a lady who would suck up the snot from her kid's nose and then spit it into a hanky. That's proper stomach churning behaviour. Probably the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. Yet.


Nelly said...

Thank you for sharing that. Not.

hootchinhannah said...

Now Nelly, it's nothing you wouldn't do for me.

Nelly said...

'spose you're right.